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Learn from the vets

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Does This Fur Make Me Look Fat?

Does This Fur Make Me Look Fat?

We talk about obesity in relation to humans and the dangerous effect it has on our lives, but our pets "winter weight" can be just as detrimental to their lives as it can to ours.

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Heartworm and Intestinal Parasites

Heartworm and Intestinal Parasites

We're all aware of the blood sucking parasites that make our pets itch and scratch, those horrible pests known as fleas, but what about those wriggling writhing parasites that take residence amongst our pets internal organs?

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Toxic Substances

Toxic Substances

Our home and gardens can be very enjoyable places for us, however they can pose hidden threats to our pets. Common household items can be very toxic to our pets if ingested so taking regular inventory and supervising our pets is definitely a good idea!

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Do You Hear What I Hear?

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Our pets generally have impeccable hearing, the car door, the food container, that pesky mouse! Nothing gets by them, but with great power, comes great responsibility. For them to continue being our mousers, doorbells and alarm systems we need to ensure we take great care of their ears.

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Was it something I ate?

Was it something I ate?

It goes without saying that I'd make a terrible vampire, I love garlic far too much to ever be repelled by it! This delightful little fact about myself means that my beloved pooch misses out on a lot of my table scraps.

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Bad Hair Day: Over-grooming in Cats

Bad Hair Day: Over-grooming in Cats

Ever watch your cat as they groom themselves and notice how serene they look. Just like a spa day and a little pampering can help de-stress us, grooming can be a wonderful stress reliever for your cat.

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