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Cruciate Rupture

Cruciate Rupture

The cruciate ligaments are two fibrous bands that connect the femur and tibia in the stifle (knee) joint. These two ligaments form a cross and are called the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) and caudal cruciate ligament - both are crucial for stabilising the stifle.

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TPLO Surgery

TPLO Surgery

A tibial plateau levelling osteotomy (TPLO) is a common procedure that involves realigning the angle of the tibia through cutting the bone and rotating the tibial plateau (or the flattened top to the tibia).

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ECR Surgery

ECR Surgery

An Extracapsular Repair (ECR) is a common procedure that involves using a suture material to compensate for a cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) tear or rupture. This technique achieves joint stability by providing sufficient support and eliminating the need for the now-injured CCL, improving your pet’s mobility and overall quality of life.

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What happens when I leave my pet for surgery?

What happens when I leave my pet for surgery?

Every once in a while our pets are required to undergo surgery. Whether it be a routine de-sexing or a major surgery such as orthopaedics.

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Boredom Busters! 

Boredom Busters! 

Think Outside the Food Bowl   There are other options available to make mealtime a little more interesting. Slow feeders are created with extra physical barriers so pets can only access small amounts of food at a time, which not only prevents pets from gulping down their dinner but also provides a mental workout as […]

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At-home Dental Care for your Cat and Dog

At-home Dental Care for your Cat and Dog

Dental pathology is one of the most common conditions we see in Veterinary practice, but usually unnoticed by pet owners. We all understand the importance of good oral hygiene in ourselves, but sometimes forget that it is just as important in our furry friends.

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