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Learn from the vets

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Planes, Pets and Automobiles

Planes, Pets and Automobiles

It can certainly be said that in some cases getting your pet from A to B is no easy task. How an animal travels is variable, some love cars, others would rather run a mile than jump in an automobile.

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Hind Leg Weakness

Hind Leg Weakness

Vets are commonly presented with a pet that has hind limb weakness. Sometimes this occurs suddenly and is very obvious. In some circumstances, the changes come on slowly and may only be noticed by the vet during routine examination.

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Bladder Infections in our Pets

Bladder Infections in our Pets

With Autumn right around the corner your cat is more likely to develop a bladder infection. Cats who are more reluctant to go out in changing weather to wee outside, will often get retention cystitis.

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Treat My Pet- Seizures

Treat My Pet- Seizures

For a cat or dog owner, there is almost nothing as terrifying as watching your beloved pet have a seizure. Luckily, most pets recover well spontaneously, allowing time for diagnostic tests and therapy where required. A seizure is a loss or derangement of consciousness.

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Claw Wars

Claw Wars

Clawing in cats is a natural, instinctual behaviour that helps remove old claw sheaths and acts as a marking behaviour. As many frustrated cat owners will testify, these natural behaviours are all well and good until they involve systematic destruction of your furniture!

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High Pressured Felines

High Pressured Felines

Just like us, our feline friends can suffer from high blood pressure. This is usually a condition of older cats and can occur on its own or secondary to other elderly cat diseases such as kidney failure and hyperthyroidism (an over active thyroid gland).

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