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Learn from the vets

Welcome to our blog. Here you will find everything from interesting articles related to your pet, our news and lots more.
The Fleas Are Flying

The Fleas Are Flying

When it’s hot out many of us bask in the warmth, and those pesky fleas are no different! During the warmer part of the year it’s not uncommon for flea activity to increase. Why is this?

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Fire Plan for Your Pets

Fire Plan for Your Pets

We live in a wonderful part of the world but the sad reality is that beauty comes with a price tag, each year we must ready ourselves for bushfire season.

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No More Fleas Please

No More Fleas Please

Fleas are unfortunately unavoidable for our pets, but arming ourselves with knowledge and protection can help to alleviate some of the itchy effects. What does this mean for you and your household?

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Your Pet's Fire Plan Pack

Your Pet's Fire Plan Pack

Fires are stressful, worrying about your pets can be stressful, so let’s ease some of the stress as we put the problem of “what to pack?” to bed!

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Can My Dog Get a Cold?

Can My Dog Get a Cold?

Most people can tell when they are getting a cold. The sniffles start, followed by a raging temperature, hacking cough, and endless dripping nose. But did you know a similar condition exists in the dog world?

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I'm a Hunter!

I'm a Hunter!

That cute little complimentary bell on your cat’s collar isn’t just to tell you where Felix is hiding, just like it alerts you to when kitty is about to pounce on your toes, it plays an important role in warning native fauna that kitty is about to pounce on them.

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